It’s All Banking Insurance 2022. BRAINZ organizza la nuova edizione della mostra convegno IT’S ALL BANKING & INSURANCE con 100 Relatori, 20 Media e più di 500 partecipanti.
IT’S ALL BANKING & INSURANCE rappresenta un’opportunità esclusiva per agevolare l’incontro e il confronto tra Banche, Assicurazioni e Finanziarie con esperti di Soluzioni, Sistemi e Tecnologie. L’evento coniuga la vision strategica agli aspetti tecnici, calandosi nella realtà delle strategie operative.

Oltre 100 speaker a confronto su:
– Nuove tendenze di un mercato che oggi vive un’ulteriore accelerazione a causa dell’emergenza sanitaria
– Spinta tecnologica e resilienza del sistema assicurativo e bancario: scenari ed evoluzione
– L’evoluzione del business assicurativo e bancario: ecosistemi, bisogni dei clienti e opportunità

I partecipanti
TOP MANAGEMENT: Amministratore Delegato – Direttore Generale – Responsabile Strategie
MARKETING & CRM: CRM Director – Marketing Director – Chief Digital Officer – Chief Data Officer
IT & TECHNOLOGY: Chief Information Officer – Chief Technology Officer – IT Manager – Chief Security Information Officer
OPERATIONS: COO – Responsabile Organizzazione
RISK & CREDIT: Head of Risk Management, Credit Manager, Claims Director

I settori interessati

About Brainz
We are an innovative and dynamic organization that provides networking opportunities, skills and strategies to strengthen and develop meaningful & relevant relationships for Business-to-Business.
Thanks to 15 years’ experience of our staff, we are able to organize events that stimulate creativity, development of synergies and networking.
Our events are important meetings focused on strategy, innovation and technology.
To grow your career or your business, it is crucial the experience of meeting people face to face and sharing experiences, skills, knowledge and know-how.

17 Maggio 2022 – NH Milano Centro Congressi

– BYinnovation è Media Partner di IT’S ALL BANKING & INSURANCE