Recyclability rigid packaging. Manufacturers urged to adopt new guidelines for recyclability of household rigid packaging. WRAP, which manages The UK Plastics Pact, has published guidance that sets out which plastics used in household packaging are currently classed as ‘recyclable’. It provides direction to packaging designers and specifiers, setting out a ‘best in class’ vision for design, including targets for recycled content.
Through consultation with industry, WRAP has identified what types of plastic packaging are actually recycled, at scale and in practice, and are therefore defined as ‘recyclable’. The On-Pack Labelling Scheme (OPRL) is anticipated to adopt what is classed as ‘recyclable’ under The UK Plastics Pact when it updates its guidance later in 2019.
The document highlights a preference for clear PET (often used for drinks bottles and trays), on the basis that the end market for this material is significantly higher and by using ‘clear’, there is the greatest potential for it to be used back, ideally into plastic packaging.
When it comes to colour, only those that can be sorted in the recycling processes using near-infra red technology will be deemed recyclable. WRAP plans to publish further guidance on this in the coming months, specifically in relation to new near-infra-red (NIR) detectable black plastics.
Peter Maddox, Director of WRAP UK, launched the guidance at today’s Packaging News Environmental Packaging Summit and said: “If plastic is recyclable, and clearly labelled as such, we stand a far greater chance of keeping that plastic in the economy and out of the natural environment. We also know from recent research that citizens want to see packaging that is 100% recyclable, which they can recycle at home.* By rationalising the number of polymers used in packaging, we can develop a more efficient recycling system, and reduce confusion for citizens.
“Through The UK Plastics Pact we are working at pace with our members to respond to this, and ensure that all plastic packaging is re-usable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. This new guidance is a significant milestone in our journey towards reaching that target.
“Businesses that specify, design and produce plastic packaging will be able to draw on this resource for best practise guidance in selecting plastic polymers which are recyclable, while retaining the important protective properties that packaging has. While some plastics are classed as recyclable, there is a need to move beyond this, ideally selecting polymers which have a greater recyclability potential than others. In doing so it will help us to achieve other Pact targets, notably to achieve an average of 30% recycled content across all pack formats.”
Users of the guidance will find ‘best in class’ polymer choices for individual packaging types to guarantee recyclability. For example, for plastic food and drink bottles, the guidance explains:
– Best in class material choice – for the bottle, cap and sleeve
– Best in class colour choice
– Labelling recommendations
– The rationale behind these recommendations
While the scope of the guidance is currently rigid plastic packaging – bottles, pots tubs and trays – it will be updated in the future to include films and flexibles.
The classifications of what is recyclable do not yet include compostable plastics. WRAP believes similar principles should be applied to these types of plastics, with a need to demonstrate that the materials are actually composted in current infrastructure. Further guidance on this is expected over the summer.
ADACI CPO Lounge Community. L’Associazione Italiana Acquisti e Supply Management organizza CPO Lounge Community, l’appuntamento dedicato alla community dei Direttori Acquisti e Supply Chain Manager (CPO Lounge Community), per dibattere sulle tematiche core della funzione, ovvero obiettivi strategici da conseguire, progetti realizzati, performance strategie innovative, organizzazioni agili e proattive, attente al prevedere rischi futuri.
Durante la sessione sarà data particolare rilevanza alle tematiche del Risk Management in tutte le sue forme; tale iniziativa vuole sviluppare un approccio moderno al Risk Management nella Supply Chain. Ospite d’onore sarà Edward Altman, Professore Emerito alla Stern School of Business New York University, ideatore del modello Zeta Score, considerato fra le 100 persone più famose al mondo che terrà una Lectio Magistralis.
La serata del 26 settembre celebrerà i vincitori del premio “PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2019” con cena riservata ai membri della Community.
Seguirà la giornata del 27 settembre che sarà dedicata alle riflessioni strategiche, spunti di analisi e benchmarking, ai trend futuri. Keynote speaker, ospiti d’onore e imprenditori si alterneranno tra esperienza e sperimentazione delle migliori pratiche di management, quali:
– La negoziazione strategica – Main Speaker: Sergio Casella, Divisional President Barry-Wehmiller
– 50 years of Zeta Score Models: what have we learned and where are we today in the credit risk cycle? Implications for Supply Chain Management – Professor Emeritus Edward Altman
– La sostenibilità nel Procurement – Main Speaker: Marco Zoff, Leonardo Company
– Innovation for Procurement, Procurement for Innovation – Main Speaker: Ivan Ortenzi, Innovation Manager e Chief Innovation Evangelist, Bip Business Integration Partners
L’evento è rivolto a Presidenti e Amministratori Delegati, Direttori e Responsabili di funzione quali: Purchasing, Procurement, Supply Management, Logistica, Operation, Pianificazione. La conferma di partecipazione sarà confermata previa verifica da parte di ADACI.
ADACI promuove il riconoscimento “Excellence Award 2019”: manager, aziende, organizzazioni di diverse dimensioni e settori si affronteranno dimostrando l’eccelenza di negoziatori, risk takers, innovatori e leader.
27 settembre 2019 – Stresa (VP) – Regina Palace Hotel
– BYinnovation è Media Partner di ADACI
Prepared for change: 2019 index measures 140 countries’ ability to respond to change and climate challenges.
The 2019 KPMG Change Readiness Index ranks 140 countries1 on how effectively they prepare for, and respond to, major change events. From geopolitics to technology to climate, the world is changing at a rapid pace. Which countries seem prepared for the opportunities? And which appear ill equipped to manage the risks? This edition of the report focuses squarely on the capabilities countries need to successfully address climate change and mitigate associated risks. The Index measures a country’s capacity for general change, but KPMG’s methodology shows that those same capabilities also dictate a country’s preparedness for climate change.
The Change Readiness Index, now in its fourth year of bi-annual publication, answers these questions by measuring each country across three key pillars of capability: enterprise, government and people & civil society.
Timothy Stiles, Global Chair of KPMG’s International Development Assistance Services, commented on the analysis: “Climate change is among the most pressing issues we face as a global society. Those countries failing to recognize the impact of climate change are likely to be unprepared for its growing costs, which will be levied on citizens, businesses and economies around the world. Our 2019 report aims to demonstrate that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to responding to major change. Our research highlights that too many nations can be reliant on either business, government or civil society to shoulder the responsibility for change readiness, but in our experience this doesn’t yield the best long term results. True preparedness is when each segment of society – enterprise, government, and people and civil society – works in harmony toward a shared outcome.”
Europe continues to dominate top 10, but falls behind in financial sector
The top ten performing countries of the CRI remain largely unchanged from the 2017 report, with the exception of Norway, which has climbed from 11th to 8th place to replace Finland in the top ten. The UK remained in the top 10 and climbed to 8th place (from 10th), despite mounting political uncertainty surrounding Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.
The EU performs above the global average in environmental sustainability compared to other regions. The 2019 Index, however, has found that Europe’s financial sector is falling behind the global average and North America, and is performing marginally better than Developing Markets.
North America is the global leader in technology use
The US now ranks 13th (down from 12th) overall while Canada rose to 16th overall (up from 18th). Despite falling behind Europe on environmental sustainability, the US leads the globe in financial sector preparedness for change. North America is the clear global leader in the adoption of new technologies.
The CRI top 20 countries and jurisdictions (with change in ranking from 2017):
Singapore (+2)
Denmark (+2)
Sweden (-2)
United Arab Emirates (-2)
Norway (+5)
Germany (+2)
United Kingdom (+2)
New Zealand (-3)
Netherlands (-3)
Finland (-3)
Qatar (+7)
United States (-1)
Hong Kong (SAR) (-2)
Canada (+1)
Taiwan (+18)
Japan (+3)
Austria (-3)
Belgium (-2)
Europe’s private sector leads Enterprise Sustainability, ahead of naturally resource rich countries
European countries are leading the way for Enterprise Sustainability, which looks at the private sector’s role in rising to the challenge of national preparedness and response to climate change and environmental degradation. Measures for Enterprise Sustainability include CO2 emissions per unit of GDP, and the share of renewable energy in use by a country.
By contrast, naturally resource rich countries have performed poorly in Enterprise Sustainability. The best performing naturally resource rich country is Norway (#32) and the poorest performing is Russia (#135). This could mean that the private sector in resource rich countries is not taking steps to diversify their economies away from resources like oil and gas to mitigate climate change and environmental degradation.
Double jeopardy for less mature economies
The 2019 Index also revealed that countries most susceptible to climate risks are mostly low income and lower-middle income countries. Less mature economies like Chad, South Sudan and Afghanistan are the worst performing in climate resilience, as are countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The majority of higher income economies are considered low risk, high readiness countries.
This year’s report reveals that poorer countries face double jeopardy when it comes to climate change: a higher risk from the negative impacts of climate change and a lower capacity to implement climate-ready policies and institutions.
Cambiamento climatico: i Paesi sono pronti alle nuove sfide?
Il ‘Change Readiness Index 2019’ di KPMG misura la capacità degli stati di rispondere ai principali cambiamenti e ai relativi rischi e stila la classifica globale dei 140 Paesi analizzati.
Dalla geopolitica alla tecnologia ai cambiamenti climatici, il mondo sta mutando a una velocità mai vista prima.
Quali sono i Paesi più preparati a cogliere le nuove opportunità? E quali sono invece quelli meno pronti a gestire i rischi?
L’edizione 2019 della ricerca si concentra principalmente sulla capacità dei Paesi analizzati di affrontare i cambiamenti climatici e limitarne i pericoli correlati. I parametri sono stati misurati tendendo in considerazione tre principali macro-aree: il contesto imprenditoriale, le istituzioni governative e la società civile.
L’Europa domina la Top Ten: ottime performance nella sostenibilità ambientale, scende la reattività del settore finanziario
In cima alla classifica la situazione resta invariata rispetto al report del 2017, con la Svizzera sempre in testa. La stabilità caratterizza anche le posizioni successive, visto che ben 6 nazioni tra le prime 10 si confermano ai vertici dal 2015. L’unica variazione nella top 10 rispetto alla scorsa edizione è rappresentata dalla Norvegia, risalita dall’11° al 6° posto della classifica scalzando la Finlandia. Il Regno Unito passa dal 10° all’8° posto, nonostante il clima di incertezza politica dopo la Brexit. Il Vecchio Continente occupa ben 7 dei primi 10 posti e 9 dei primi 20. L’Italia si attesta al 36° posto, soprattutto per le deludenti performance delle istituzioni governative.
L’Unione Europea in generale registra performance superiori alla media globale sui temi di sostenibilità ambientale. Il Change Readiness Index 2019 rivela, tuttavia, anche zone d’ombra per l’Europa: il settore finanziario scende al di sotto della media globale e dell’America del Nord, e registra performance solo marginalmente migliori rispetto alle economie emergenti.
America del Nord leader in finanza e utilizzo della tecnologia
Nonostante l’America del Nord sia indietro rispetto all’Europa sul tema della sostenibilità ambientale, gli Stati Uniti guidano il ranking per quanto concerne la capacità di reazione di fronte al cambiamento nel settore finanziario.
Il Nord America, inoltre, risulta nettamente il leader globale per quanto riguarda l’adozione di tecnologie innovative.
In classifica generale gli Stati Uniti scendono dal 12° al 13° posto, mentre il Canada guadagna una posizione salendo al 16° posto.
La top 20 del Change Readiness Index 2019 (con le variazioni rispetto al 2017)
Singapore (+2)
Danimarca (+2)
Svezia (-2)
Emirati Arabi Uniti (-2)
Norvegia (+5)
Germania (+2)
Regno Unito (+2)
Nuova Zelanda (-3)
Paesi Bassi (-3)
Finlandia (-3)
Qatar (+7)
Stati Uniti (-1)
Hong Kong (SAR) (-2)
Canada (+1)
Taiwan (+18)
Giappone (+3)
Austria (-3)
Belgio (-2)
Il settore privato porta l’Europa al top nella Sostenibilità d’Impresa
I Paesi europei guidano la classifica sulle tematiche di sostenibilità d’impresa. Questo anche grazie alla crescita della capacità del settore privato di rispondere ai rischi legati al cambiamento climatico e all’inquinamento ambientale. Le misurazioni includono anche le emissioni di CO2 in rapporto al PIL e la quota di energia rinnovabile utilizzata nel paese.
Di contro, molti Paesi che possono contare su un territorio ricco di risorse naturali hanno avuto risultati negativi nella sostenibilità d’impresa: si va dalla Norvegia (32° posto, la migliore del gruppo) fino alla Russia (135° posto). Questo dimostra come nei Paesi ricchi di risorse naturali il settore privato stia compiendo azioni ancora poco significative per limitare l’utilizzo massivo di gas e petrolio al fine di contenere i cambiamenti climatici e l’inquinamento ambientale.
Doppio pericolo per le economie più povere
Il ‘Change Readiness Index 2019’ mostra che rivelato che i Paesi più sensibili ai rischi climatici sono quelli reddito basso e medio-basso. Economie meno mature come il Ciad, il Sud Sudan e l’Afghanistan sono risultate le peggiori come capacità di risposta ai cambiamenti climatici, così come i Paesi dell’Africa subsahariana e quelli dell’Asia meridionale.
I Paesi più poveri devono, quindi, fronteggiare un doppio rischio: a fronte di una più alta esposizione ai rischi del cambiamento climatico, presentano una minore capacità di rispondere in modo pronto ed efficace mediante politiche e istituzioni adeguate.
Al contrario, la maggior parte delle economie a più alto reddito è considerata a basso rischio e ad alta resilienza e capacità di reazione rispetto ai cambiamenti climatici.
Companies fail to disclose impact on world’s forests. A large majority of major corporations are failing to be transparent about their impacts on global deforestation and many are taking inadequate steps to tackle it, according to a new report released by environmental non-profit CDP.
Over 1,500 companies deemed to have a significant impact on deforestation or to be susceptible to deforestation risk were requested by investors and large purchasing organizations to disclose forests data through CDP’s reporting platform in 2018, but 70% failed to do so. Companies are asked to disclose on four commodities linked to deforestation: timber, palm oil, cattle and soy.
Over 350 companies have declined to respond for the last three years (2018-2016), including major consumer facing brands like Dominos, Next, and Sports Direct along with global food corporation Mondelez and its palm oil supplier Rimbunan Hijau Group, the largest palm oil company in the rainforest region of Sarawak, Malaysia.
These companies use commodities that drive deforestation, for example through their procurement of palm oil for inclusion in chocolates, leather for shoes, paper for pizza boxes and timber for furniture – as forests are cleared for cattle ranching, plantations or agriculture.
CDP’s new report, The Money Trees, finds that corporate transparency on forests (30% disclosure rate in 2018) lags behind other environmental issues such as climate change and water security (both 43%). This is despite significant risks to business from deforestation, the ecological importance of forests and the role they must play in solving climate change, as well as the heightened environmental concern among investors, buyers and consumers.
Morgan Gillespy, Global Director of Forests at CDP, commented: “The silence is deafening when it comes to the corporate response to deforestation. For too long corporations have ignored the impacts of their supply chains on the world’s forests and have not taken seriously the risks this poses – both to their business and the world.
Environmental concern is at an all-time high, and companies are being demanded to be transparent and take decisive action to protect forests. Consumers increasingly want to know that their shopping basket isn’t driving the destruction of the Amazon, extinction of the orangutans and the climate crisis.
Businesses that want to maintain market share need to listen to the calls from their customers, investors and consumers – or they could face a backlash. Companies are already telling us reputational risk is the top risk they see from deforestation and this is likely to become ever more prominent as sustainable consumption trends continue and the market shifts”.
A total of 306 companies disclosed forests data to CDP in 2018, reporting on their sourcing of timber, palm oil, cattle and/or soy and the actions taken to reduce deforestation in their supply chains.
Analyzing these companies’ responses, the report reveals the level of action is insufficient to solve the problem of deforestation. This is despite damage to brand reputation from links to deforestation being the most frequently cited risk in the report.
Around a quarter (24%) of companies are either taking no or limited action on deforestation, for example by focusing on only one commodity instead of all commodities within their supply chain.
The data also shows over a third of companies are not yet working with their suppliers to reduce deforestation. This is a critical gap as deforestation is almost always a supply chain issue, unless the company is a direct producer.
Companies report a potential US$30.4 billion in losses due to the impacts of deforestation risks, such as brand damage, regulatory change and physical impacts like forest fires and crop failures.
Yet this is only the tip of the iceberg, as only around a quarter of companies reported financial figures for potential losses. The data also shows that nearly a third of companies do not even include forest-related issues in their risk assessments. However, among companies that do, almost all (92%) see substantial risks, suggesting that the business risks and financial impacts associated with deforestation are underreported.
Nearly 450 companies1 and more than 50 governments2 have pledged to end deforestation by 2020, but industry action to date has not been enough to achieve this, with companies recently publicly stating that this deadline will be missed3. Global forest loss continues at a rate of 5 million hectares a year or 15 football pitches every minute4. Turning this trajectory around is essential to address the climate crisis, with the IPCC’s special report on 1.5°C highlighting the need to use forests as carbon sinks.
Yet CDP data shows 83% of corporate targets on deforestation end in 2020 and only 14% extend beyond, posing the risk of corporate action on deforestation falling off a cliff next year.
However, CDP’s report also finds there are some companies leading the way, implementing numerous actions including engaging with their suppliers on the protection of forests. For example, global beauty giant L’Oréal and German consumer goods manufacturer Beiersdorf AG are leading on the sustainable sourcing of palm oil. To encourage its suppliers to manage their forest footprint, L’Oréal has developed its Sustainable Palm Index, to assess suppliers’ commitments and achievements in fighting deforestation.
CDP data shows that for the companies willing to move the needle on forests, there are major opportunities up for grabs. 76 companies reported business opportunities – such as increased brand value and product innovation – valued at US$26.8 billion, more than half of which are rated highly likely or virtually certain.
Morgan Gillespy, Global Director of Forests at CDP, added: “Our data shows companies are not doing enough to end deforestation. Meanwhile the hundreds of high-impact companies that have not disclosed through CDP and therefore not been analyzed in this report could be missing out on lucrative opportunities. They could also be sitting on a black box of risks that their investors, customers and end consumers are not aware of, but are increasingly demanding transparency on”.
CDP is an international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Voted number one climate research provider by investors and working with institutional investors with assets of US$96 trillion, we leverage investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts. Over 7,000 companies with over 50% of global market capitalization disclosed environmental data through CDP in 2018. This is in addition to the over 750 cities, states and regions who disclosed, making CDP’s platform one of the richest sources of information globally on how companies and governments are driving environmental change. CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, is a founding member of the We Mean Business Coalition.
Il 70% delle aziende non rende pubblico l’impatto della propria attività sulla deforestazione nel mondo
La maggioranza delle grandi aziende non comunica in modo trasparente l’impatto delle loro attività sulla deforestazione globale, oltre a non adottare misure adeguate a favore della salvaguardia delle foreste. Questo è quanto emerge dal nuovo report pubblicato da CDP, la piattaforma globale di rendicontazione ambientale che ogni anno raccoglie dati ambientali da oltre 7.000 aziende.
I dati rivelano che sono oltre 1.500 le aziende che hanno un impatto significativo sulla deforestazione o che possono incorrere nel rischio di deforestazione ambientale e che nel 2018 sono state invitate da investitori e grandi organizzazioni di acquisto per comunicare informazioni circa l’attenzione alle foreste attraverso la piattaforma di reporting di CDP. Ciò nonostante, il 70% non l’ha fatto, rifiutando di fornire maggiori dettagli sui principali elementi responsabili della deforestazione: legno, olio di palma, allevamenti di bestiame e soia.
Tuttavia, più di 350 aziende hanno rifiutato di rispondere sul triennio 2018-2016, tra cui i principali marchi di consumo come Dominos, Next, Ferrero Spa e Sports Direct insieme alla multinazionale americana attiva nel settore alimentare Mondelez e il suo fornitore di olio di palma Rimbunan Hijau Group, leader nella regione della foresta pluviale del Sarawak, in Malesia.
Infatti, queste aziende utilizzano ampiamente prodotti che figurano tra i principali responsabili della deforestazione. A titolo di esempio si può citare l’acquisto di olio di palma per realizzare i cioccolatini, così come il cuoio per le scarpe, la carta per le scatole della pizza e il legno per i mobili. A ciò si aggiunge che le aree forestali vengono continuamente messe a rischio dall’allevamento intensivo di bestiame, ma anche dall’agricoltura stessa.
Il nuovo rapporto di CDP rivela che la trasparenza aziendale sulla deforestazione (con un tasso di divulgazione del 30% nel 2018) è in netto ritardo rispetto ad altre questioni ambientali come il cambiamento climatico e la sicurezza idrica (entrambe stabili al 43%). L’importanza di preservare le foreste non è fondamentale solo per scongiurare danni di business a livello aziendale, bensì anche come strumento risolutivo per combattere il cambiamento climatico e rassicurare le crescenti preoccupazioni di investitori, acquirenti e consumatori.
Morgan Gillespy, Global Director of Forests at CDP, ha commentato, “Il silenzio è assordante quando si tratta delle misure aziendali nei confronti della deforestazione. Per troppo tempo le aziende hanno ignorato l’impatto delle loro catene di approvvigionamento sulle foreste esistenti, senza prendere sul serio i rischi che ne derivano – sia lato business sia sulla società globale.
Attualmente, la preoccupazione per l’ambiente è ai massimi livelli e le aziende hanno il dovere di essere trasparenti e intraprendere azioni decisive per la salvaguardia delle foreste. Di pari passo, i consumatori si mostrano sempre più sensibili a questo tema e desiderosi di sincerarsi che nel loro carrello non ci siano prodotti responsabili della deforestazione dell’Amazzonia, dell’estinzione degli oranghi e del cambiamento climatico.
Le aziende che mirano a mantenere una quota di mercato devono ascoltare i loro clienti, investitori e consumatori, così da non rischiare di incappare in situazioni sfavorevoli. Le aziende, infatti, suggeriscono che il rischio reputazionale è il rischio maggiore che può derivare da una mancata attenzione nei confronti della deforestazione, un tema destinato ad acquisire sempre più importanza a seconda del cambiamento del mercato e dei consumi in un’ottica sostenibile”.
Nel 2018 un totale di 306 aziende ha collaborato con CDP condividendo i propri rapporti di sostenibilità fornendo dettagli sulla provenienza di legno, olio di palma, bestiame e / o soia, indicando le misure intraprese per combattere la deforestazione all’interno delle loro catene di approvvigionamento.
Analizzando le risposte di queste aziende, il report rivela che le iniziative sono insufficienti per risolvere il problema della deforestazione. Tuttavia, è interessante osservare come il danno reputazionale del brand derivante dalla deforestazione sia indicato come il rischio di gran lunga più frequente.
Circa un quarto (24%) delle società non intraprende affatto o adotta misure circoscritte per combattere la deforestazione, ad esempio concentrandosi su una singola categoria merceologica senza rendere più sostenibile le altre merci che attraversano la propria catena di approvvigionamento.
I dati confermano, inoltre, che oltre un terzo delle aziende non sta lavorando con i propri fornitori al fine di ridurre il proprio impatto ambientale sulle foreste. Ciò è emblematico di un divario critico, in quanto la deforestazione è quasi sempre un problema di filiera, ad eccezione di quei casi in cui la società sia un produttore diretto.
Complessivamente, le aziende riportano perdite potenziali per un valore di 30,4 miliardi di dollari dovute all’impatto dei rischi da deforestazione, tra cui danni reputazionali, cambiamenti normativi e catastrofi naturali come incendi e cattivi raccolti.
Eppure, tutto ciò è solo la punta dell’iceberg, in quanto circa un quarto delle aziende prevede una stima quantitativa delle potenziali perdite. Inoltre, i dati mostrano che quasi un terzo delle aziende non include le problematiche relative alla deforestazione nel processo di valutazione del rischio. Tuttavia, tra le aziende che ne prendono atto, quasi tutte (92%) confermano rischi sostanziali, suggerendo che il rischio aziendale e l’impatto finanziario associati alla deforestazione siano sottostimati.
Sono quasi 450 le aziende e più di 50 i governi che si sono impegnati a porre fine alla deforestazione entro il 2020, ma l’azione del settore fino ad oggi non è stata sufficiente nel raggiungimento di questo obiettivo, con realtà che già hanno dichiarato pubblicamente l’impossibilità di rispettare questa deadline . La deforestazione continua ad un ritmo di 5 milioni di ettari all’anno (equivalenti a 15 campi da calcio ogni minuto ). Invertire questa tendenza è essenziale per affrontare i problemi associati al cambiamento climatico. Ad esempio, il report dell’IPCC sull’1,5°C evidenzia la necessità di utilizzare le foreste come pozzi di assorbimento del carbonio.
Tuttavia, i dati di CDP mostrano che l’83% degli obiettivi aziendali sulla deforestazione hanno come scadenza il 2020 e solo il 14% si estende oltre questa data, facendo ipotizzare che le misure aziendali contro la deforestazione si possano esaurire nel breve termine.
Un altro dato interessante che emerge dal rapporto di CDP è che ci sono alcune aziende all’avanguardia che promuovono diverse iniziative a sostegno delle foreste grazie ad un’intensa collaborazione con i propri fornitori. Ad esempio, il colosso mondiale della bellezza L’Oréal e il produttore tedesco di beni di consumo Beiersdorf AG sono leader nell’approvvigionamento sostenibile dell’olio di palma. Per incoraggiare i propri fornitori a gestire l’impronta forestale, L’Oréal ha sviluppato Sustainable Palm Index con l’obiettivo valutare l’impegno e i risultati ottenuti dai fornitori nella lotta alla deforestazione.
Infine, i dati di CDP mostrano che per le aziende disposte a prestare maggiore attenzione alla salvaguardia delle foreste ci sono maggiori possibilità di crescita. 76 aziende hanno infatti segnalato opportunità di business come l’aumento del valore del marchio e l’innovazione di prodotto – valutate per un totale di 26,8 miliardi di dollari, di cui la metà di questo valore è dato come altamente probabile o, addirittura, certo.
Morgan Gillespy, Global Director of Forests at CDP, ha aggiunto: “I nostri dati rivelano che le aziende non stanno facendo abbastanza per porre fine alla deforestazione. Nel frattempo, sono centinaia le aziende ad alto impatto ambientale che non hanno consentito a CDP l’accesso ai loro dati e, pertanto, non sono state analizzate in questo report, eventualmente perdendo anche enormi opportunità di business. In altre parole, è come starsene comodamente seduti su una bolla pronta a scoppiare senza che i propri investitori, clienti e consumatori finali ne siano a conoscenza, pur richiedendo sempre maggiore trasparenza”.
CDP è un internazionale non-profit che spinge le aziende ed i governi a ridurre le loro emissioni di gas serra, tutelare le risorse idriche e proteggere le foreste. Votato numero uno come fornitore della ricerca climatica dagli investitori e lavorando con investitori istituzionali con le attività di 96 trilioni di dollari, sfruttiamo il potere degli investitori e dei consumatori per motivare le imprese a divulgare e gestire i loro impatti ambientali. Oltre 7,000 imprese con oltre il 50% percento della capitalizzazione del mercato globale nel 2018 hanno comunicato dei dati ambientali attraverso il CDP. Questo si aggiunge alle oltre 750 città, stati e regioni che hanno comunicato, rendendo la piattaforma del CDP una delle fonti più ricche di informazione a livello globale su come le aziende e i governi stanno spingendo cambiamenti ambientali. Il CDP, precedentemente il Progetto Carbon Disclosure, e un membro fondatore della coalizione We Mean Business.
Raising 2030 SDG ambition. Held on the sidelines of the High-Level Political Forum at the UN Headquarters in New York, the SDG Media Zone engages experts, innovators, content creators, young leader, and personalities to highlight actions and solutions in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Day 2 was filled with engaging panels covering a broad range of topics including sustainable cities, poverty, plastic, Small Island Developing States, Peace and Justice, and much more. Our special guest, Amina J. Mohammed, the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, discusses the slow progress made in achieving the SDGs and the way forward. Whether you were able to join us or not, you can learn more about today’s panels and watch them here.
Our only Future – Private Sector and Climate Action
According to Luis Alfonso de Alba, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the 2019 Climate Action Summit, limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will require drastic action, including by the private sector. Lise Kingo, CEO of UN Global Compact, stresses how important it is to have concrete examples of good practices. Similarly, Ann Rosenberg from SAP Next-Gen touches upon the need for new ideas and new ways of doing business.
Preview of 2019 Multidimensional Poverty Index
Pedro Conceição, the Head of the Human Development Report Office at the UN Development Programme, presents the Preview of the 2019 Multidimensional Poverty Index and discusses how it can help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Unlike other reports, the index assesses progress on various dimensions of poverty at the country level while also looking at how multidimensional poverty varies within a country, revealing huge inequalities between the poorest and the wealthiest people. This data can help design policies tailored to specific regions and tackle poverty more effectively.
Inclusive Cities, Sustainable Communities
More than half of the world’s population currently lives in cities – by 2030, this number will rise to 60 per cent. To foster inclusive and sustainable cities, Maruxa Cardama, Chair of the 68th UN Civil Society Conference highlights the importance of giving youths a voice and also a role to play. Similarly, Steve Chiu, the Youth Representative of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, highlights youth empowerment as a way of creating inclusive societies. Glocha Youth Representative Ali Mustafa further explores how to give youths opportunities for meaningful engagement in these inclusive and sustainable systems.
Planet or Plastic
Following a field expedition in India, Heather Koldewey, co-lead of the National Geographic Society’s Plastic Work and Sara Hylton, an award-winning photographer from National Geographic explain that people are unable to make the connection between dumping plastic into rivers and the impact on ocean pollution. Heather Koldewey stresses that while people do see plastic as an issue, it has become so ubiquitous that they can’t see any alternatives.
A Conversation with United Nations Deputy Secretary-General
With regard to the Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J. Mohammed says that while progress is slow, people are engaged, partnerships are being forged and young people are involved. She reminds us that most countries are committed to tackling global warming and that even where national governments are not, subnational governments and citizens continue to take action. Responding to climate change will be paramount as all the Sustainable Development Goals are intertwined and cannot be achieved individually.
Future of Small Island Developing States
What is the priority for Small Island developing states? According to Courtenay Rattray, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations, small islands face challenges in all of the Sustainable Development Goals. Low economic growth is leading to youth unemployment as well as brain drain. Congressman Jerry Tardieu adds that in order to create jobs for the youth, small islands need to think outside of the box and create partnerships. Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, addresses how some of the existing partnerships between these developing states and other countries can help small islands overcome their vulnerabilities.
Investing in family-friendly policies: Why it’s a price we can afford
The chief of Early Childhood Development at UNICEF, Dr. Pia Rebello Britto, discusses the numerous benefits of investing in family-friendly policies and moving from maternal to parental needs. Laura Turquet, Manager of the World’s Women Progress Report from UN Women notes that while families can be a place for girls to strive; it can also be a place of sexism and discrimination. By investing in family-friendly policies, governments have the potential to reduce gender inequalities and drive progress on the SDGs.
Peace and Justice: Launch of SDG 16+ Report
Charles Chauvel from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reveals that the most important finding from the SDG 16+ Report is that the implementation of SDG 16 can only be achieved through a collective effort with the private and public sector, academia, civil society, and more. Similarly, Ana Carolina, 16×16 Youth Advocate, stresses the importance of putting youths at the centre of discussions on peace to gain a different understanding of the challenges and issues that people may face. The Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, Alan George, highlights how justice needs to be modernized to be more engaging and consistent.
Angry Birds for UN Act Now Climate Campaign
Tolu Olubunmi from the UN Department of Global Communications unveils the partnership between the UN ActNow Climate Campaign and the Movie Angry Birds 2. Present on stage, Red the Angry Bird joins forces with one his archenemies, a green pig to stress the importance of collective action and behavioural change in the fight against climate change.
SDG Book Club
Singer, songwriter, and storyteller Ari Afsar engages with young children through a fun and interactive story-telling session. Along with other books handpicked by the SDG Bookclub, ‘Thank You Omu’ gives children a fresh perspective on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Rinnovabili: Decreto FER1. Gli obiettivi: incentivare la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili e creare migliaia di posti di lavoro.
I Ministri Luigi Di Maio e Sergio Costa hanno firmato il decreto FER1, che ha l’obiettivo di sostenere la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili per il raggiungimento dei target europei al 2030 definiti nel Piano Nazionale Integrato per l’Energia e il Clima (PNIEC), attraverso la definizione di incentivi e procedure indirizzati a promuovere l’efficacia, l’efficienza e la sostenibilità, sia in termini ambientali che economici, del settore.
Il provvedimento, in particolare, incentiva la diffusione di impianti fotovoltaici, eolici, idroelettrici e a gas di depurazione.
“Un grande lavoro di squadra dei due ministeri, ambiente e sviluppo economico, che darà impulso alla produzione di energia rinnovabile, creando migliaia di nuovi posti di lavoro – ha dichiarato Luigi Di Maio – e puntando alla attuazione della transizione energetica, in un’ottica di decarbonizzazione”.
“E’ una vera e propria rivoluzione copernicana, un cambio di paradigma – commenta Sergio Costa – si premia l’autoconsumo di energia per gli impianti su edificio fino a 100 kW e l’eliminazione dell’amianto, si incentiva la produzione di energia sostenibile oltre che rinnovabile. Questo decreto è una grande opportunità di sviluppo e di tutela ambientale”.
Dopo aver ottenuto il via libera della Commissione europea, il Decreto FER1 è stato inviato per la registrazione alla Corte dei Conti prima della pubblicazione in Gazzetta Ufficiale.
La sintesi del provvedimento
L’ attuazione del provvedimento consentirà la realizzazione di impianti per una potenza complessiva di circa 8.000 MW, con un aumento della produzione da fonti rinnovabili di circa 12 miliardi di kWh e con investimenti attivati stimati nell’ordine di 10 miliardi di Euro.
Con gli incentivi verrà data priorità a:
– impianti realizzati su discariche chiuse e sui Siti di Interesse Nazionale ai fini della bonifica;
– su scuole, ospedali ed altri edifici pubblici per impianti fotovoltaici i cui moduli sono installati in sostituzione di coperture di edifici e fabbricati rurali su cui è operata la completa rimozione dell’eternit o dell’amianto;
– impianti idroelettrici che rispettino le caratteristiche costruttive del DM 23 giugno 2016, quelli alimentati a gas residuati dai processi di depurazione o che prevedono la copertura delle vasche del digestato;
-tutti gli impianti connessi in “parallelo” con la rete elettrica e con le colonnine di ricarica delle auto elettriche (a condizione che la potenza di ricarica non sia inferiore al 15% della potenza dell’impianto e che ciascuna colonnina abbia una potenza di almeno 15 kW).
Cambia, inoltre, la modalità di riconoscimento del premio sull’autoconsumo: per gli impianti di potenza fino a 100 kW su edifici, sulla quota di produzione netta consumata in sito è attribuito un premio pari a 10 euro il MWh cumulabile con quello per i moduli in sostituzione di coperture contenenti amianto. Il premio è riconosciuto a posteriori a patto che l’energia auto consumata sia superiore al 40% della produzione netta.
Saranno ammessi agli incentivi solo gli impianti idroelettrici in possesso di determinati requisiti che consentano la tutela dei corpi idrici, e in base a una valutazione dell’Arpa.
Gli impianti fotovoltaici realizzati al posto delle coperture in amianto o eternit avranno diritto, in aggiunta agli incentivi sull’energia elettrica, a un premio pari a 12 €/MWh su tutta l’energia prodotta.
Impianti ammissibili
Potranno partecipare ai bandi per la selezione dei progetti da iscrivere nei registri gli impianti:
– di nuova costruzione, integralmente ricostruiti e riattivati, di potenza inferiore a 1MW;
– oggetto di interventi di potenziamento qualora la differenza tra la potenza dopo l’intervento e la potenza prima dell’intervento sia inferiore a 1 MW;
– oggetto di rifacimento di potenza inferiore a 1MW.
Sono ammessi impianti fotovoltaici esclusivamente di nuova costruzione e realizzati con componenti di nuova costruzione.
Inoltre, potranno partecipare alle procedure di registri anche aggregati costituiti da più impianti appartenenti al medesimo gruppo, di potenza unitaria superiore a 20 kW, purché la potenza complessiva dell’aggregato sia inferiore a 1 MW.
Gli impianti di potenza uguale o maggiore ai valori sopra indicati per accedere agli incentivi dovranno partecipare a procedure di asta al ribasso nei limiti dei contingenti di potenza.
In analogia, potranno partecipare alle procedure di asta anche gli aggregati costituiti da più impianti appartenenti al medesimo gruppo, di potenza unitaria superiore a 20 kW e non superiore a 500 kW, purché la potenza complessiva dell’aggregato sia uguale o superiore a 1 MW.
Transforming Sustainable Business. How next practices in sustainability can unlock opportunity. Climate change, unfair labor practices, corruption and other sustainability issues have become daily fixtures in newspaper headlines—and are rapidly taking their place alongside financial targets as top CEO priorities. Yet, the more that leaders work toward their early sustainability commitments, the more they discover how much further they need to go to prepare for a future where competitiveness and sustainability are inseparable. As sustainability best practices become more widely adopted, pioneering firms are taking a giant leap. They are pursuing the next practices that will allow them to achieve step changes in their business while helping to deliver a truly sustainable next economy. We believe that those who move first will unlock significant business benefits.
A truly sustainable economy will look different depending on your industry.
In agriculture, it will mean poverty elimination in smallholder farmer communities, increased productivity to keep up with a growing population and environmentally restorative practices.
For automotive companies, it will likely mean full adoption of autonomous vehicles fueled by clean energy, with a sharing model allowing high vehicle utilization.
In finance, the investor community will fully integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into its investing approach.
There is no question that sustainability is moving up on the corporate agenda.
When Bain & Company surveyed 297 global companies, 81% said sustainability is more important to their business today than it was five years ago, and 85% believe that it will be even more important in five years. The evidence is everywhere. Sustainability is now incorporated into two-thirds of companies’ core missions. Signatories of the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment now represent over half of the world’s institutional assets, and major investors like BlackRock are calling for companies to serve a social purpose.
Yet even as awareness grows and industries respond, companies realize that their efforts to date are just a drop in the bucket compared with what is required and the potential value at stake.
Among companies surveyed, 99% believe we need to either maintain a fast pace of progress or increase the pace of progress. These companies recognize that our current trajectory will have immense human and financial costs. Consider that recent reports predict a paltry 5% chance of meeting the Paris Agreement targets for emissions reduction. Or that by 2025, two-thirds of the global population could be living under water-stressed conditions, and that 700 million people may be displaced due to water scarcity by 2030.
Further, the aging workforce combined with the oncoming automation wave will create challenging labor markets and rising income inequality in future decades, according to recent Bain research (see “Labor 2030: The Collision of Demographics, Automation and Inequality“). On the other hand, these daunting forecasts also contain huge opportunities for companies that pursue solutions. For example, the Business & Sustainable Development Commission estimates that meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals could generate $12 trillion in business savings and revenue, and create 380 million jobs, by 2030.
How will businesses respond?
Some companies are less advanced on this journey, still focusing on the basics of their sustainability strategies and the early stages of implementation. Based on our research and work with clients, however, sustainability leaders1—as well as followers looking to leapfrog to the top—will increasingly adopt six “next practices” to turbocharge both sustainability and business success (see Figure 1).
Using “future back” thinking to create transformative ambitions.
Setting targets from a baseline is an important part of making progress, and many companies with unambitious goals could benefit from stretching them. But instead of making incremental improvements, leaders will take a more transformational approach by thinking from the future back.
What do we mean by that?
They will create a vision of what their future will look like in a truly sustainable economy and then craft an objective to fit that vision. In fact, the share of companies that have adopted a truly transformative sustainability aspiration will nearly triple over the next five years, from 9% to 26%, according to our survey (see Figure 2). These companies will follow the lead of trailblazers like Tesla, which envisioned a long-term global need for sustainable vehicles and energy, adopted a mission to “accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” and built a business model to meet that aspiration. Interface, the world’s largest modular carpet manufacturer, set an ambition in 1994 to turn a petroleum-intensive business into the first environmentally sustainable, and ultimately restorative, company. It has since been exploring radical product innovations and business model changes to help it achieve its “Mission Zero” by 2020.
Making “sustainable” irresistible for customers.
Over the next five years, customer loyalty and revenue generation will replace public reputation and cost savings as the primary drivers for sustainability action among leaders, according to our survey. Today, the most commonly cited barrier to success is low customer willingness to pay for sustainable goods. But forward-thinking companies aren’t deterred by this obstacle. They are expanding their reach beyond a niche group of customers by making sustainability part of a holistic value proposition, using innovation to create attractive product attributes, such as price savings, customer service or performance, that are complemented by sustainability.
Climate-Finance-Related Report. Second TCFD Status Report Shows Steady Increase in TCFD Adoption. Nearly 800 organizations have now expressed support for the TCFD and its recommendations.
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published its 2019 Status Report to the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The TCFD’s second status report provides an overview of disclosure practices aligned with the Task Force’s recommendations between 2016 and 2018.
The report also examines the decision-usefulness of existing climate-related financial disclosures to users of disclosure, and evaluates disclosures of strategy resilience and the challenges faced by preparers using scenario analysis.
At the time of publication, nearly 800 organizations have expressed their support for the TCFD recommendations, a more than 50% increase from the publication of the first status report in September 2018.
An artificial intelligence (AI) review of reports from over 1,100 large companies across multiple sectors in 142 countries found that the average number of recommended disclosures per company has increased by 29% from 2.8 in 2016 to 3.6 in 2018.
At the same time, the percentage of companies that disclosed information aligned with at least one of the Task Force’s recommendations grew from 70% in 2016 to 78% in 2018.
The Task Force also conducted a survey on companies’ efforts to implement the recommendations. Ninety-one percent of the 198 survey respondents that identified as preparers of disclosure have decided to “fully” or “partially” implement the TCFD recommendations, with 67% stating their companies plan to complete implementation within three years.
Seventy-six percent of users stated that they are already using climate-related financial disclosures in their decision making process. The survey received a total of 485 responses.
“We remain encouraged by the continued growth in the number of companies adhering to the guidelines of the TCFD – it means businesses are better informed about the risks they face, and investors are more capable of making sound decisions,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, Chair of the Task Force and Founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies. “However, we’re also clear-eyed about the serious threat that climate change poses. In order to keep people out of harm’s way, and build a more resilient global economy, we need more companies to follow their lead – and soon.”
While the commitment to implementation is encouraging, actual disclosure still faces challenges. Most notably the preparers surveyed find disclosing scenario analysis assumptions difficult and lack standardized metrics and targets.
Respondents that identify as users, on the other hand, ask for more clarity on the financial impact of climate-related issues on companies, which would help to make the disclosures more decision-useful.
Overall, more companies beyond the ones that have traditionally been engaged on climate-related issues need to start their disclosure journey.
“We see extensive and mounting evidence that the physical and transition effects of the climate crisis are real. In order to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement we need to take forceful action – this includes action from corporations and the private sector at large,” commented Mary Schapiro, Special Advisor to the TCFD Chair and Vice Chair for Global Public Policy at Bloomberg LP. “Climate-related disclosures and the TCFD recommendations help companies consider the impact of climate change and associated mitigation efforts on their strategies and operations. A company that communicates its climate resiliency to its investors will have a competitive advantage over those that don’t.”
The list of 785 TCFD supporters includes 374 financial and 297 non-financial companies, with a combined market capitalization of nearly $9.3 trillion. The supporting financial firms are responsible for assets of nearly $118 trillion.
Supporters also include 114 other organizations, such as trade associations, financial and insurance supervisors and regulators, governments and ministries. Supporters are headquartered across 49 countries.
Speaking about the publication of the report, FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles said: “The Task Force continues to provide a forum for market participants to develop and use a valuable private-sector solution to assess climate-related business risks. The increased participation levels confirm the value of these voluntary disclosures, allowing the public, markets, and investors to better monitor risks.”
The Task Force will continue its work on promoting and monitoring adoption of its recommendations with a focus on areas that have proven challenging for implementation. The Task Force will deliver its next status report to the FSB in September 2020.
Companies and others can express their interest in supporting the TCFD recommendations via online form. The full list of current companies and organizations supporting the work of the Task Force is viewable and supportive quotes are viewable here.
Companies considering implementing the TCFD recommendations are encouraged to visit the TCFD Knowledge Hub to access more than 470 relevant resources, including case studies.
About the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
On December 4, 2015, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) established the industry-led Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) with Michael R. Bloomberg as Chair.
The Task Force currently has three Vice Chairs and 29 members in total. The TCFD was asked to develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial disclosures for use by companies in providing information to lenders, insurers, investors and other stakeholders, which were published in the TCFD Recommendations Report on June 29, 2017.
Effort to limit Climate Warming. Business leaders urged to set more ambitious climate targets in effort to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit to recognize private sector leadership on climate change and inspire a faster transformation to a net zero future
A broad coalition of business, civil society and UN leaders issued a call to action for private companies to make their critical and necessary contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to limit the worst impacts of climate change.
In the lead-up to the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit to be held on 23 September in New York, Chief Executive Officers are being challenged to set even more ambitious targets for their companies in line with the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which made a compelling case for limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
The call-to-action comes in the form of an open letter addressed to business leaders and signed by Lise Kingo and more than 20 leaders including Her Excellency María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the UN General Assembly, Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth and SDG Advocate Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever.
“We need concrete, realistic plans by 2020 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45% over the next decade, and to net zero by 2050,” said Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba, UN Special Envoy for the 2019 Climate Action Summit and one of the co-signatories to the letter. “Climate change requires an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society and business leadership demonstrated by setting science-based targets at 1.5°C will send strong market signals as we look to identify the scalable and replicable solutions needed to secure a world where no one is left behind.”
“We have less than 11 years to fundamentally change our economies or we will face catastrophic consequences,” said Lise Kingo, CEO & Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, one of the member organizations of the Science Based Targets initiative. “For the first time, we are seeing business and climate leaders coalesce around a common call-to-action, sending a powerful signal that science-based target setting presents a significant opportunity for businesses to step up when it comes to tackling climate change and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.”
Other signatories to the letter — which is published on the UN Global Compact website — include John Denton, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paul Simpson, CEO of CDP, Andrew Steer, CEO of World Resources Institute, Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Climate & Energy Practice Leader at WWF, Nigel Topping, CEO of We Mean Business, Anand Mahindra, Chairman of Mahindra Group and Halla Tómasdóttir, CEO of The B Team, amongst others.
The economic opportunity presented by taking bold climate action is significant, with evidence suggesting that those companies aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory will be best-placed to thrive as the global economy undergoes a just transition to a net-zero future by 2050.
The call-to-action asks companies to set verifiable science-based targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which independently assesses corporate emissions reduction targets against scientific best practice and to date has verified the targets of more than 200 companies. In April 2019, the SBTi released new target validation resources to enable companies to set targets consistent with keeping warming to 1.5°C.
Ambitious business leaders who commit their companies to a 1.5°C-aligned target will be recognized at the UN Global Compact’s Private Sector Forum in New York on 23 September as part of the Climate Action Summit.
About the Science Based Targets initiative
The Science Based Targets initiative mobilizes companies to set science-based targets and boost their competitive advantage in the transition to the low-carbon economy. It is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and one of the We Mean Business Coalition commitments. The initiative defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting, offers resources and guidance to reduce barriers to adoption, and independently assesses and approves companies’ targets.
About the United Nations Global Compact
As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the United Nations Global Compact works with companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact guides and supports the global business community in advancing UN goals and values through responsible corporate practices. With more than 9,500 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and 70 Local Networks, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world.
About the We Mean Business Coalition
We Mean Business is a global coalition of nonprofit organizations working with the world’s most influential businesses to take action on climate change. The coalition brings together seven organizations, BSR, CDP, Ceres, The B Team, The Climate Group, The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Together we catalyze business action to drive policy ambition and accelerate the transition to a zero carbon economy.
A joint press release from the United Nations Global Compact, the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and the We Mean Business coalition.