Maggio 2023

PlusValue a MIND Innovation Week. A Milano, da lunedì 8 a sabato 13 maggio, si terrà la MIND Innovation Week, una settimana in cui il distretto si aprirà alla città e al mondo con una maratona di quasi 100 eventi che metteranno in dialogo appassionati ed esperti di scienza, salute, sostenibilità, impatto, tecnologia, urbanistica, per poter continuare a migliorare nella missione di costruire non solo un hub dell’innovazione competitivo a livello globale, ma anche e soprattutto un nuovo pezzo di Milano di cui innamorarsi e in cui continuare a tornare per mille motivi diversi.

Ben 9 (!) eventi co-organizzati dal team PlusValue
La potenza di questo ecosistema dell’innovazione emerge con forza proprio dalla rete di relazioni che nascono non solo dalla passione per i questi temi e lavori, ma soprattutto dalla meraviglia e dalla gratitudine per ciò che possiamo far accadere intorno a noi, pur tra mille piccole e grandi difficoltà, e che desideriamo curare, comunicare e trasmettere!

PlusValue’s participation in the MIND Innovation Week: events, talks, discussion panels and more
As part of the MIND Innovation Week (MIW), that will take place in MIND – Milan Innovation district from the 8th to the 13th of May, PlusValue will host a series of events, talks and roundtables in collaboration with other MIND partners.
The aim is to bring together international speakers to discuss and highlight the meaning and significance of innovation as an agent of positive change for people and planet.

In the last few years, we have demonstrated at MIND the value and centrality of innovative projects for the creation of an ecosystem where research and enterprise, public and private, impact and competitiveness complement and reinforce each other.
This dynamic is fundamental in terms of urban regeneration and attraction of investment and innovative enterprises but also when talking about continuous exchange with other excellent districts at a European level.
We warmly invite you to join us and contribute to the discussion and to subscribe to the MIW website to receive updates about the week!
Here below you can find a preview of our participation in the MIND Innovation Week.

9th of MAY 9:30-13:00
Lendlease, SDA Bocconi School of Management, PlusValue, Progetto europeo T-Factor
When we talk about ‘Urban Regeneration’ we are talking about interventions and urban-scale renovation and redevelopment programmes that, by addressing the existing building stock, limit soil consumption while safeguarding the landscape and the environment.
The event will be an opportunity to exchange views with experts and policy makers on the main issues related to urban regeneration: Sustainable Mobility, New forms of Living (social housing, built-to-rent and senior living) , temporary uses and new forms of temporary constructions.
Register here for the in person event
Register here to follow online
Lunch will be available at the end of the event at T-Factor’s temporary garden area, “Herbula Wild Garden”.
Register here for the lunch

9th of MAY 13:15-14:00
T-Factor, PlusValue, Polifactory, LAND, Terra Viva
Inauguration of the temporary ‘Herbula Wild Garden’ with the installation ‘Civic Nature, an interactive urban nature trail at MIND’, that combines both analogue and digital approaches.
The event, designed for all ages, will open with a talk led by experts from Terra Viva, LAND and Polifactory on the role of MIND and the importance of its biodiversity within Milan’s ecological network.
Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy lunch outdoors, courtesy of the European project ‘T-Factor’.
Register here

10th of MAY 9.30 – 13:00
IRCCS Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio, PlusValue, StratejAI, Lendlease
Words like telemedicine, digital therapies, bioinformatics, wearables are now part of our everyday lives, and governments and companies alike are investing heavily in programmes aimed at digitising the health sector. But what do we actually
mean when we say that data and artificial intelligence are the future of healthcare? In this event, MIND’s stakeholders will discuss some of the most advanced European experiences related to the use of data and artificial intelligence in the diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative fields, with a focus on the relationship between personalised medicine and value-based healthcare, technology and ethics, regulation and experimentation, basic research and innovation, with the aim of laying the foundations for new international collaborations.
Register here

10th of MAY 13:00 -14:30
Università degli Studi di Milano, Fondazione Triulza, PlusValue, FrancoAngeli Editore
Despite the fact that girls now make up well over half of the university student population, the number of women enrolling in scientific degrees and reaching leadership positions in traditionally male- dominated fields such as physics, mathematics and engineering, is still too low.
In a dialogue with Maria Pia Abbracchio and Marilisa d’Amico, authors of the book “Women in Science”, we will deconstruct some of the stereotypes at the root of this scenario, retrace the stories of some exceptional female scientists who, from Ancient Rome to modern days United States and Italy, have led to fundamental advances in science, and finally address future prospects and solutions, in the hope of contributing to building a ‘home’ for the female scientists of today and tomorrow.
Light lunch available for registered participants.
Register here

10th of MAY 18:00 -19:30
T-Factor, PlusValue, Università degli Studi di Milano
The European project T-Factor, together with PlusValue and the University of Milan, will present a round table on the topic of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). AR and VR are becoming increasingly predominant in our professional and personal lives, recreating a virtual world closely connected to the real one, enriching and improving it by also creating new opportunities.
We will be questioning the impact and implications that the use of these new technologies is having and will have on our lives in the coming years, and we will do so with authoritative voices from different fields: medical, scientific, entrepreneurial, educational and design.
Following the round table, we will invite you to The Hive to visit the travelling exhibition ‘Tailor-Made Organs’, promoted by T-Factor, Università degli Studi di Milano and PlusValue, inaugurated in Brera on the 30th of March.
The exhibition hopes to increase visitors’ awareness of the innovative power of new technologies applied to the medical field and its impact on the healthcare system, patients and families, the medical team and many other related parties. The exhibition presents 3D printed human organs from the multidisciplinary scientific and technological research project PrintMed3D.
Register here

11 of MAY 11:00 -12:30
Enterprise Europe Network, Finlombarda, Regione Lombardia, PlusValue, Fondazione Triulza
ESG criteria applied to companies define how they respond to environmental challenges, treat their people and administrate their business. They have increasingly become a key success factor, and have characterised the enterprises that project themselves into the future and recognise the change occurring as an opportunity to grow and innovate.
The idea at the heart of ESG is simple: companies are more likely to generate excellent returns if they create value not only for their owners but for all stakeholders involved (employees, customers, suppliers) as well as for the environment and society at large.
This seminar is for SMEs: to give them a challenge as well as concrete guidance on how to turn Environmental, Social and Governance aspects into performance-enhancing factors in the short and long term.
Register here

11th of MAY 13:00-16:00
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano&Partners, Lendlease, Human Technopole, PlusValue, Cariplo Factory
MIND was created to catalyse the extraordinary Milanese and Lombardy research and innovation ecosystem, accelerating the process of technology transfer from research (13 universities, 19 IRCCSs and hundreds of public and private research centres) to market, with a special focus on the Life Sciences sector, a strong asset of the Lombardy ecosystem with great development potential at the global level, and emerging deep-tech approaches.
Through the voices of some of the protagonists of MIND and the city of Milan, we will focus on how the district is organising itself with a series of new infrastructures and services aimed at attracting and integrating in the quickest and most effective way international companies and talents wishing to access the European market and competitively develop their own research and innovation projects.
Register here for the in person event
Register here to follow online

11th of MAY 11:00 -13:00
Confindustria Dispositivi Medici Servizi, Bio4Dreams, PlusValue, Infinite Vision,Pink, Lendlease
The collaboration between different players within an innovation system and the sharing of knowledge and skills can help the development of the medical device (MD) sector in our country as well as facilitate the creation and market releases of new technological solutions.
The event is an opportunity for discussion and dialogue between companies in the MD sector, institutions, and stakeholders in the health supply chain. The discussion hopes to position open innovation as a strategic lever for the development of the sector.
The initiative was born to launch the first edition of Confindustria Dispositivi Medici’s project ‘Primary Site’. The project was founded in collaboration with MIND, and as a partnership with Bio4Dreams, IRCCS Galeazzi, Infinite Vision, PlusValue and PInK.
After the success of the pilot edition of ‘Primary Site’, the project has grown and hopes to support innovation in the health sector, by delivering training services and practical support to startups and SMEs to help medical device certification.
Register here

13th of MAY 14:00 -18:00
T-Factor, PlusValue, LAND, Polifactory, Wood*ing Wild Food Lab, Progetto Natura Onlus, Fondazione Triulza, Lendlease
An afternoon discovering urban biodiversity through 30-minute guided tours with naturalist experts from Progetto Natura Onlus and an open-air bioprocessing workshop where you can learn how to use herbs and flowers found in urban areas through simple processing techniques illustrated by the experts from Wood*ing Wild Food Lab.
Register here

PlusValue, fondata nel 2015, con sedi a Londra e Milano, è una società di advisory che da anni supporta istituzioni ed aziende leader di settore ad adottare nuovi modelli di crescita sostenibile. Operando al crocevia dei temi di innovazione e sostenibilità, PlusValue è leader nello sviluppo di importanti progetti di trasformazione urbana, affiancando aziende di real estate nella valorizzazione di asset esistenti, come nel caso di MIND – Milano Innovation District, partnership pubblico-privata per lo sviluppo del più grande distretto dell’innovazione in Italia sulle Scienze della vita e lo sviluppo urbano sostenbile.
Da anni inoltre lavora sui temi della finanza ad impatto con Banca Europea degli Investimenti, Nazioni Unite e investitori privati.

MIND Milano Innovation District è il distretto dell’innovazione nato dalla riqualificazione dell’area che ha ospitato Expo2015. MIND è l’hub dove convergeranno le nuove frontiere italiane ed europee della tecnologia e delle bioscienze. La partnership pubblico-privata tra Lendlease e Arexpo, prevede un investimento complessivo di 4,5 miliardi di euro per la rigenerazione di un’area complessiva di un milione di metri quadrati. Lendlease è responsabile di un contratto di concessione della durata di 99 anni per lo sviluppo dell’area: la visione del gruppo per MIND è quella di costruire una città del futuro sostenibile, a zero emissioni e inclusiva. MIND rappresenta il quartiere definitivo in cui le comunità beneficiano della creazione di innovazione in modo collaborativo.
L’area a uso misto di sviluppo privato denominata West Gate si estenderà per oltre 300.000 metri quadrati e ospiterà uffici, abitazioni, negozi, centri di ricerca e aree verdi.

– BYinnovation è Media Partner di PlusValue

MIND Innovation Week

APS Extrusion solare. SMARTEFFICIENCY per FOTOVOLTAICO. APS Arosio Extrusion, azienda specializzata nella produzione di profili estrusi di alluminio a disegno, è una delle più prestigiose realtà industriali nel panorama italiano dell’estrusione e conta oggi due siti produttivi – Mariano del Friuli (Gorizia) e Porzano di Leno (Brescia) – per un totale di tre impianti di produzione.
Una lunga esperienza tecnica maturata nell’ambito degli estrusi in alluminio, abbinata alla capacità produttiva di 23.000 tonnellate e ampi spazi di magazzino e stoccaggio, permette a APS Arosio Extrusion di soddisfare le richieste dei clienti per diversi impieghi: condizionamento dell’aria, energie rinnovabili, edilizia, arredamento, tende e verande.
Un gruppo che vanta distributori in ogni continente e quattro consociate presenti in Europa e America.